Playgroup - Preparatory
A formal individual test is taken combined with an interview with parents. Generally, the reading level of a child, the vocabulary, concepts of colours and numbers are assessed. In addition, the confidence of the child and motor skills are taken into consideration.
Class One to Matric
Our admisstion test are not based on text books in fact it is a General Aptitude Test (GAT) related to basic subjects like English, Urdu, Mathematics and Science. The pass percentage is 50%. Duration of the test is approximately an hour and half hours.
In all cases merit is the sole of criterion for admission. The decision of the school cannot be changed in any way and will be final
Admission Test Syllabus Session (2018-19)
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1- Reading & Recognition (a -o)
2- Writing of alphabets (a -o)
3-Write the first letter of the given picture.
4- Match the letter to the given picture. |
Mathematics |
1-Reading & Recognition : 1 – 10
2-Writing of numbers : 1 – 10
3-Count and write the correct number.
4-Count and circle the correct number.
5-Recognition of shapes (Circle, Triangle, Square)
6-Concept of tall and short, big and small |
General Knowledge |
1-What is your name?
2-What is your father’s name?
3-What is your mother’s name?
4-How old are you?
5-What is the name of your country?
6-Name and recognize ten parts of the body.
7-Name any five fruits.
8-Name any five vegetables.
9-Name any five animals. |
Urdu |
۱ -پڑھائی اور پہچان : ا سے ش )بڑی اشکال (
۲ -لکھا ئی : ا سے ش )بڑی اشکال (
۳-حروف کو تصویر سے ملانا
۴-تصویر کا پہلا حرف لکھنا |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Writing of alphabet : Aa- Z z
2-Write beginning, ending and middle sound of 3 letter words.
3-Concept of a, an, + He, She + This, That
4-Reading; 3letter words + small sentences
5-Write the picture name (three letter words) |
Mathematics |
1-Forward Counting (1-100)
2-Backward Counting (20 -1)
3-Number in words(1-10)
4-Count and write
5-Addition (1 digit)
6-Recognition of shapes.
7-What comes after, between and before?
8-Concept of bigger and smaller numbers. |
General Knowledge |
1-Name the days of the week.
2-Name twelve months.
3-What are the colours of traffic signals?
4-Name three cities of your country.
5-Write parts of body. (any ten)
6-Write the name of three vegetables.
7-Write the name of three colours. |
Urdu |
۱ ( ا سے یے تک چھوٹی بڑی اشکال (پہچان، پڑھائی، لکھائی (
۲ ( تصویر کا نام لکھنا )دو حرفی + تین حرفی (
۳ ( توڑ جوڑ، جوڑ توڑ )دو حرفی + تین حرفی (
پڑھائی : )دو حرفی +تین حرفی+ چار حرفی الفاظ ( |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Sentence making. (with noun and ing words)
1-Singular/plural (rule of “s” & “es”)
3-Preposition (in, on, under, near, behind)
4-Punctuation (use of capital letter and full stop)
5-Words making with ch, sh, th sound
6-Creative writing (Myself, My Mother) |
Mathematics |
1-Tables (2, 3), Forward Counting 1 – 200, Backward Counting 100 – 1
 2-Comparison: big and small, long& short, light and heavy
3-Write names of shapes
4-Number names (1 – 100)
5-Addition, Subtraction (2 + 3 digits) |
Science |
1-Names of five parts of a plant.
2-Names of five healthy foods.
3-Names of ten living / non-living things.
4-What are the sources of heat and light?
5-Match animals with their sounds (duck, cat, dog and cow)
6-What is the shape of the earth? |
Urdu |
۱ -جوڑ کے توڑ ,توڑ کے جوڑ (تین اورچارحرفی)
۲ -الفاظ کے جملے بنانا
۳ -مضمون نویسی (میری ذات، میری بلی، میری امّی)
۴ -گرائمر واحد جمع (ے کے اضافے کے ساتھ) مذکر مؤنث (ی کے اضافے کے ساتھ)
۵ -پڑھائی + اِملاء |
Nazra Quran |
حفظ: پہلا کلمہ، دوسرا کلمہ، تیسرا کلمہ ، کھانا کھانے سے پہلے کی دعا، کھانا کھانے کے بعد کی دعا ، دودھ پینے کی دعا |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Sentence making.
1-Singular/plural (rule of ‘s’ & ‘es’)
2-Word/opposite (use of un, dis)
3-Preposition (in, on, under, behind, in front of, besides)
4-Concept of noun, verb, adjective, pronoun.
5-Creative writing (My teacher, My father, My mother, My school)
6-Comprehension of given passage. |
Mathematics |
1-Fraction (, )
2-Time (Half past, o’clock)
3-Operation on numbers (+, –, ×, ÷)
4-Concept of (<, >, =)
5-Tables (2 – 6) |
Science |
1-The human body (basic parts and functions of sense organs)
2-Plants (parts of a plant and their functions)
3-Materials (identification of materials, tools and their uses)
4-Sounds (different types of sounds) |
Urdu |
۱ -الفاظ کے جملے بنانا
۲ -مضمون نویسی (میری کتاب، میرا پسندیدہ پھل ، میرا کمرہ جماعت، میری بہن)
۳ -گرائمرواحد جمع (ے، یں اوریاں کے اضافے کے ساتھ) مذکر مؤنث(ی اورنی کے اضافے کے ساتھ)،الفاظ متضاد
۴ -پڑھائی + املاء |
Nazra Quran |
حفظ :نماز(مکمل)، تین کلمے، سورۃ اخلاص، سورۃالکوثر، دو دعائیں (علم میں اضافے کی دعا، کھانا کھانے سے پہلے کی دعا) |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Words sentences
1-Singular / plural
2-Preposition (in, on, under, behind, in front of, besides)
3-Word / opposite
4-Masculine / Feminine
5-Punctuation (capital letters, full stop, question mark and comma)
6-Comprehension of a given passage.
7-Creative writing (few lines about your city, class teacher, pet animal, school guard) |
Mathematics |
1-Fraction (+, – of like fractions)
2-Time (a.m, p.m)
3-Operations (×,-, +, ÷) (3 digits)
4-Names of geometrical shapes
5-Ascending and descending order
6-Tables (2 - 8) |
Science |
1-Our body (identification of major organs, basic functions of heart, lungs, bones and muscles.
2-Animals (classification of animals and identification of amphibians and reptiles)
3-Plants (different stages in the life cycle of a plant, uses of plants for humans)
4-Heat and light (differentiate between, transparent, translucent and opaque materials, differentiate between good and bad conductors of heat) |
Urdu |
۱ -الفاظ کے جملے بنانا
۲ -مضمون نویسی (میرا پسندیدہ کارٹون، میرا شہر، میرا پسندیدہ پھول)
۳ -گرائمر الفاظ متضاد، مذکر مؤنث، واحد جمع
۴ - املاء+پڑھائی |
Nazra Quran |
حفظ: نماز(مکمل)، تین کلمے، سورۃ الفلق، سورۃالناس، دو دعائیں (سونے سے پہلے کی دعا، سو کر اٹھنے کی دعا) |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Words sentences
1-Singular/plural, Masculine/feminine, Word/opposite
2-Preposition, Adjective, Changing statements into questions.
3-Punctuation (use of capital letters, full stops, question mark etc.)
4-Comprehension of a passage.
5-Creative writing |
Mathematics |
1-Numbers and Operations (×, –, +, ÷)
2-Fractions(ascending & descending + operations)
3-Ascending and descending order
4-Length, time
5-Area (Square, rectangle)
6-Tables (2 – 12) |
Science |
1-The plant world (definition of photosynthesis and four things needed for this process)
2-Food and diet (importance of food and differentiate between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores)
3-Environment (definition of habitat, natural habitats, protection of environment)
4-The solar system (sun and its importance, how rotation of the Earth causes day and night) |
Urdu |
۱ -الفاظ کے جملے بنانا
۲ -مضمون نویسی (میرا پسندیدہ تفریحی مقام، میرا استاد، صبح کی سیر، والدین کا احترام)
۳ -گرائمر واحدجمع، مذکرمؤنث، الفاظ متضاد،الفاظ مترادف۔
۴ -تفہیم عبارت |
Nazra Quran |
ناظرہ قرآن : تیسواں پارہ سورۃ النباء تا سورۃ الانفطار
حفظ: نماز (مکمل)، سورۃ الکوثر، سورۃ النصر، سورۃ الفلق، سورۃ الناس، چار کلمے |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Words sentences
1-Singular/plural, Masculine/feminine, Word/opposite, Adverb, Adjective, 2-Prepositions.
4-Use of for/since passage.
5-Comprehension of a paragraph
6-Essay writing (five to ten lines about any given topic) |
Mathematics |
1-Perpendicular and parallel lines
2-Numbers & operations (×, -, +, ÷) on them
3-Fractions & decimals
4-Area and perimeter of square
5-Basics geometry (Angles) |
Science |
1-The human body (explain how the brain functions, how blood is pumped from the heart to the body)
2-Plants (different parts and their functions, transpiration and transportation)
3-Electricity and magnetism (define electricity and explain how it is produced, explain how electromagnets are produced)
4-Matter and materials (atoms, molecules, what happens to water molecules as the changes of state occur from solid to liquid to gas, differentiate between mixtures, solutions and suspensions. |
Urdu |
۱ -الفاظ کے جملے بنانا
۲ -تفہیم عبارت
۳ -گرائمر الفاظ متضاد، واحد جمع، مذکر مؤنث، الفاظ مترادف، اسم کی اقسام، غلط فقرات کی درستگی
۴ -مضمون نویسی |
Nazra Quran |
ناظرہ قرآن : پارہ “اوّل، دوئم ”
حفظ: نماز (مکمل) اوّل تا چہارم کلمہ، آیت الکرسی، سورۃ الفیل،سورۃ قریش، سورۃ اللھب |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Words sentences
1-Use of verbs, adjectives, pronouns and adverbs, prepositions
2-Comprehension of a passage
3-Essay Writing |
Mathematics |
1-Numbers and operations
2-Fractions and operations
4-Geometry (angles, area of triangle, square and rectangle)
5-Percentage |
Science |
1-Our body (System and their functions)
2-Water (Importance, Purification methods, Pollution)
3-Energy (kinds and uses)
4-Electricity (basic concepts, Kinds of circuits and uses)
5-Forces and machines (mass and weight, balanced and unbalanced forces, force of gravity, buoyancy, air resistance and friction) |
Urdu |
۱ -الفاظ و محاورات کو جملوں میں استعمال کرنا ۲ -مفہوم اشعار
۳ -پیرا گراف کی سلیس ۴ -تفہیم عبارت
۵ -درخواست نویسی،مضمون نویسی، خط نویسی
۶ -گرائمر (واحد جمع، مذکر مؤنث، متضاد، مترادف، اسم کی اقسام، اعراب ( |
Nazra Quran |
ناظرہ : قرآن پارہ نمبر۷، ۶، ۵
حفظ: نماز (مکمل)، پانچ کلمے، آیت الکرسی، سورۃ الفیل، سورۃ قریش، دعائے قنوت |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Words sentences
1-Use of Prepositions, adverbs, adjectives, verbs, prefixes, suffixes
2-Concept of active + passive voice
4-Comprehension of given paragraph
5-Translation English into Urdu, Urdu into English (Present, Past and Future tense indefinite and continuous) |
Mathematics |
1-Fractions – LCM & HCF
2-Ratio & proportion
3-Algebra (Linear equations)
4-Geometry (Square + Triangle Basic Concepts)
5-Average |
Science |
1-Plant and animal cell (structure and difference)
2-Human body (important systems and their functions)
3-Element, compound, mixture (basics concepts and examples)
4-Light (dispersion and its reasons)
5-Sound (structure and function of human ear) |
Urdu |
۱ -الفاظ و محاورات کو جملوں میں استعمال کرنا ۲ -تشریح اشعار
۳ -سلیس پیرا گراف ۵ -تفہیم عبارت
۶ -مضمون نویسی ۷ -گرائمر (واحد جمع، مذکر مؤنث، متضاد، مترادف، اسم کی اقسام، اعراب)
۸ -درخواست نویسی، خط نویسی ، کہانی نویسی |
Nazra Quran |
ناظرہ : قرآن پارہ نمبر۵تا ۷
حفظ: نماز (مکمل)، چھ کلمے، آیت الکرسی، سورۃ التکاثر، سورۃ القاریہ، سورۃ العدیت،دعائے قنوت |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Words sentences
1-Parts of Speech
3-Comprehension of given paragraph
4-Essay writing
5-Translation English into Urdu & Urdu into English (Present, Past and Future tense complete) |
Mathematics |
1-Sets and operations on sets
2-Rational Numbers
3-Algebra (Simplification + Operation on Expressions)
4-Linear Equations
5-Ratio & proportion
6-Geometry: Circle (Circumference, Area)
Triangle (Pythagoras theorem, area of triangle) |
Science |
1-Human organ systems
2-Atom and its structure (Atomic mass, Atomic Number, Isotopes, Electronic Structure of Atom)
3-Heatand transmission of heat
4-Environment and feeding relationships
5-Electricity (Electrical energy, dangers and safe use of electricity) |
Urdu |
۱)الفاظومحاورات کوجملوںمیں استعمال کرنا ۲) تشریح اشعار
۳)سلیس پیراگراف ۴) مرکزی خیال
۵)مضمون نویسی، خط نویسی ، درخواست نویسی، کہانی نویسی
۶ )گرائمر (واحدجمع،مذکرمؤنث،متضاد،مترادف،اسم کی اقسام،اعراب،سابقےلاحقے، غلط فقرات کی درستگی)
۷)تفہیم عبارت |
Nazra Quran |
ناظرہ : قرآن پارہ نمبر۵تا ۷
حفظ: نماز (مکمل)، چھ کلمے، آیت الکرسی، سورۃ التکاثر، سورۃ القاریہ، سورۃ العدیت،دعائے قنوت |
Subjects |
Topics |
English |
1-Units 1,2,3
2-Words Sentences
3-Comprehension of given paragraph
4-Active + Passive voice
5-Letter writing
6-Use of proper form of verb |
Mathematics |
Unit # 1: Matrices and Determinants
Unit # 2: Real and complex numbers
Unit # 10: Congruent triangles.
Unit # 12: Line bisectors and angle bisectors (Theorem 1, 2, 3) |
Biology |
Unit # 1: Introduction to biology (introduction to biology + the levels of organization)
Unit # 2: Solving a biological problem (Biological method + Data organization and Analysis + mathematics as integral part of scientific process |
Physics |
Unit # 1: Physical quantities and measurement
Unit # 2: Kinematics
Unit # 3: Dynamics |
Chemistry |
Unit # 1: Fundamentals of chemistry
Unit # 2: Structure of Atoms |
Computer Sciences |
Unit # 2: Computer components
Unit # 8: Introduction to windows |
Urdu |
۱ -الفاظ و محاورات کو جملوں میں استعمال کریں ۲ -اسباق نمبر 1 3- ،نظم 1 اورغزل 2
۳ -خط نویسی ۴ -تفہیم عبارت
۵ -کہانی نویسی ۶ -گرائمر(مذکر مونث، الفاظ مترادف، الفاظ متضاد ، واحد /جمع، ضر ب الامثال) |
Nazra Quran |
ناظرہ قرآن: پارہ نمبر۱۶ - ۳۰
حفظ: نماز )مکمل ( ،آیتالکرسی،دعائےقنوت،تسبیح تراویح ،اذان کےبعدکی دعا،نمازِجنازہ کی دعا،
آخری دس سورتیں(۳۰واں پارہ) |